(as introduced)
Nova Scotia
63 Elizabeth II, 2014
Private Member's Bill
Workers' Compensation Act
The Honourable Dave Wilson
First Reading: October 1, 2014
(Explanatory Note)
Second Reading:
Third Reading:
Explanatory Note
An Act to Amend Chapter 10
of the Acts of 1994-95,
the Workers' Compensation Act
1 This Act may be cited as the Workers' Compensation for Emergency Responders with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Act.
2 Chapter 10 of the Acts of 1994-95, the
Workers' Compensation Act, is amended by adding immediately after
Section 35A the following Section:
- 35B (1) In this Section,
- (i) an agent, as defined in the Children and Family Services Act,
(2) Notwithstanding any other provision of
this Act but subject to subsection (6), in respect of emergency
responders to whom this Section applies, post-traumatic stress disorder
is an accident for the purpose of this Act regardless of whether the
disorder is recognized or diagnosed at the time of or after an acute
reaction to a traumatic event.
(3) Where a worker who is or has been an
emergency responder suffers an accident that is post-traumatic stress
disorder, the accident is presumed to be an occupational disease, the
dominant cause of which is the employment as an emergency responder,
unless the contrary is proven.
(4) Subsection 83(2) does not apply with
respect to a worker who learned before this Section came into force that
the emergency responder suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder.
This page and its contents published by the Office of the Legislative Counsel, Nova Scotia House of Assembly, and © 2014 Crown in right of Nova Scotia. Created October 1, 2014. Send comments to
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