Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Changes | Salud America! | Community Commons

Changes | Salud America! | Community Commons

PTSD By Chris Cadrin December 16, 2015



Chris Cadrin

"Dealing with PTSD should start when the first responder is hired, why do we wait till the first responder is showing symptoms to help them? It is very possible that the person would not know they are experiencing PTSD. Most departments are setting up awareness programs to help first responders but I don’t think this is enough to prevent PTSD. Coping starts before the person is exposed to trauma. After the person has PTSD it is too late.

The program should start when the person is hired and should be ongoing while the first responders are working in this job. I think that the most important part of the prevention program is seeing a phycologist and this should be a ongoing during employment and a mandatory part of the job just like using personal protective equipment. The person they are seeing would be able to notice emotional changes and build a relationship with the first responder this is what needs to happen, most first responders wont be able to see the changes in them selves until it is to late. I have a certificate from Ryerson university in occupational health and safety and I always wondered why monitoring and counselling for PTSD was not considered a form of personal protective equipment for a workers mental health I really believe that until the powers at be start approaching PTSD this way it won't get any better.  This is not the cheap way out."
 You can find Chris  on his Facebook Page :